This book is designed for those that desire a closer relationship and fellowship with the Father. So many times in life we awake in a "strange land" meaning this is a new place in our life and/or family, we are not sure how we got here or how to get back to that first love which is God. We can have all of those things that God has designed all we have to do is to ask. We communicate with our father when we read, pray, fast, talk, and sing to Him. So many times we want to find Mr. and Mrs. Right and we do not know how to have a relationship with our brothers and sisters. Allow the Lord to teach you what you need to know about friendships before entering a relationship that will affect your heart, and in turn will affect your relationship and fellowship with the Father. When we don't communicate with God (through reading, praying, singing, meditating on the word) we experience separation and this makes us feel that God is far away from us and perhaps we may even feel that He has given up on us. This is the flesh and carnal nature talking to us based on our emotions.


This book focuses on the Chronicles of all our screams, why are we screaming, what happened before the screams, during the screams and how to stop the screams. How can we turn our screams into prophetic utterances from the Word of God in regards to our lives? We have to get in the Word of God so we can know God’s standards for our lives. There are things in life which is going to cause us to scream such as death, disappointment, lack of fellowship which cause us not to commune with our Father. We scream through our actions, reactions, and vocalizing how we feel or even doing nothing at all. When we do not know where to go for help, we tend to act out what we are feeling by doing things that we do not normally do or even out of character. Our mindset is directly related to our actions, and therefore, our physical, mental and spiritual positions producing SCREAMS. Therefore, understand that our stance outside of the Word of God; not using the strategies of the Word of God, and our negative situations ALL causes us to display our screams through various actions and reactions. These stances cause us to become broken, despondent, because we are operating outside of the Word of God, causing us to scream. We lash out yearning to stop our screams. Know that we can stop screaming regardless of what’s going on in our lives BECAUSE Jesus gave His life for us; no matter what “state of being” that we find ourselves in. We have to make a decision in our minds and stop having private thoughts that give God pause which means we say one thing but do opposite of what we speak out of our own mouths. God has to operate in the realm of His own Word, and know that the Word of God has the solutions to all of our SCREAMS.

Coming Soon

The purpose of this book is for people that are going to give their life to Christ and those who have given their life to Christ. Sometimes people may be wondering why Christians do certain things a specific way. This book will give you some clarification, but it is not designed to take, the place of the word of God; it is only designed to assist you as you walk on this Christian journey. I believe the sections in these in this book will help you have a deeper relationship and more intimate relationship with Christ, Your savior. This book is divided into five sections: Section One talks about the foundation in God and why is it important? Section Two is about relationships, why do we need these relationships and how these relationships are formed. Section Three talks about the spiritual tools that all of us need walk. These tools major tools will help you get to your destination in Christ, through the word of God by the direction of the Holy Spirit. Section Four talks about things that both men and women may experience or go through. Section Five talks about basic things we need to know that will help us win in Christ, through the word of God and direction of the Holy Spirit.

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